Notify Finalists After Adding/Promoting to CWSF

Notify Finalists After Adding/Promoting to CWSF

After promoting (if your regional fair is held using the YSC Portal) or adding (if you use your own registration system for your regional fair) finalists, the regional coordinator needs to send the appropriate notification emails to the finalists. 
Invite notifications are not automatically sent to finalists. 

To send the notification emails:

      1. Login to the YSC Portal
      2. As a regional coordinator, go to Resources > Users and set the filter to Event Finalist, which will display all of your region's CWSF finalists. 

      3. Select all, click the Select Action menu, choose Send Notifications, and click the blue action arrow.
            a. Regions that used the YSC Portal for their regional fair registration should:
                  i. Select CWSF Invitation and then Send Email.
            b. Regions that did not use the YSC Portal for their regional fair registration should:
                  i. Select Welcome Notification and then Send Email (this send portal account login information) 
                  ii. Select CWSF Invitation and then Send Email.

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