Completing the Regional Affiliation Process

Completing the Regional Affiliation Process


The regional affiliation process is completed in the YSC Portal and requires a current web browser. Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Edge work well on MacOS and Windows. 

Process Walkthrough

1. Navigate to the YSC Portal
2. Enter your email & password then click on Login

If you have not been issued a YSC Portal account, please email and include your name, the name of the region you represent, and your position at the region.

3. Click on Regional Affiliation located in the top left of the screen, under the upcoming CWSF event.
Click on Regional Affiliation located in the top left of the screen, under the upcoming CWSF event.

4. You will be presented with the Affiliation page which details the forms required to be completed & your progress.

5. For each item, click the edit button to the right.
For each item, click the edit button to the right.

6. Enter the required information.
Enter the required information.

7. Click on Submit to finalize the item.

You can return at any time before the deadline, to edit the information in each item.

Click on Submit to finalize the item.

8. Complete all forms in the Region Information & Regional Affiliation and Regional Awards - Opt-in sections.
Your regional affiliation will not be considered finalized until all forms are completed in these sections.

Additional Information

1. Region Information 

  • General Contact Information: This is your personal YSC Portal account information. Please check to ensure that everything is current. 
  • Regional Contacts: Regional Coordinator (i.e., your) contact information can only be updated through the General Contact Information subsection. Please ensure that all other contacts for your region are current and complete. All contacts on this list are important:
    • The Secondary Contact gives Youth Science Canada someone to contact if the Primary Contact becomes ill, moves, retires, etc. 
    • The Chief Judge may be contacted by the National Judge-in-Chief, the CWSF Chief Judge, or the chair of the National Ethics & Safety Committee if there is a question about a project. 
    • Regions must form an Ethics Committee of one to three people to become familiar with the ethical requirements of STEM fair projects, promote compliance within the region and ensure compliance at the regional fair. The Ethics Committee contact must be identified in the Regional Fair Contacts area of the online registration system; and 
The Media Contact is the person to whom Youth Science Canada will direct national or local media inquiries.
If you are no longer the Regional Coordinator for your region, do not change your account information to the new person. Please email Youth Science Canada ( with the new Regional Coordinator’s name and email address. A new account will be created, and an email will be sent inviting them to log in.
2. Regional Affiliation 
  1. Regional Fair Information: Information about your upcoming regional fair (dates, times, locations, award ceremony and public viewing info, etc.) must be entered by the Regional Coordinator. It automatically appears in the Regional Fair Finder on the YSC website and is used by Youth Science Canada, sponsors, media and others. Please ensure that your regional fair information is updated for 2024 as soon as possible. Any field marked with a red asterisk is required. Verifiable student population data must support requests to increase allocations; this may include provincial or school board data on the web. 
  2. If your region has a web site, please enter the URL in the space provided. Please check your region’s entry in the Regional Fair Finder to ensure that the data appear correctly and that the link to your website works properly. 
  3. The “Main Fair Location” section requires you to enter the location and address of your fair’s main exhibit hall. “Location” is the name of the school, university, college or other facility. “Address” is the actual postal address, which is required for Youth Science Canada insurance purposes. Even if your fair will be virtual, please complete the location address, which is used to place the pin for your region on the Regional Fair Finder map. If your fair has more than one location (or fair), use the “Add/View/Edit/Delete more fair locations” link. 
  4. The “Fair Schedule (Dates & Times)” section requires you to enter the start and end dates of your fair (which may be the same) as well as public viewing and awards ceremony dates and times. If your fair has more than one viewing time or ceremony, use the “Add additional dates and times” links to create as many entries as required. 
Be sure to click the Submit button at the bottom of the page to save the updated information. 

  • Affiliation Agreement: Download, print and sign the PDF Affiliation Agreement available here. Click the checkbox to acknowledge and accept the requirements of the Agreement. 
  • Additional Services: Indicate whether your region plans to use the new YSC Portal to register students and manage your regional fair. Note that the portal works for both physical and virtual fairs – and supports hybrid fairs (physical fairs with projects also displayed online using ProjectBoard). Your region may also choose to host a landing page or full web site using the YSC WordPress platform. Enter the URL location name you prefer for your regional page/site. 
  • Regional Fair Statistics: Participation information from each regional fair is vital for Youth Science Canada planning and reporting to sponsors. Your region’s 2023 fair stats are required to complete the affiliation process. Enter information about your 2023 regional fair. If your regional fair was not held, please enter zero in each field except number of eligible schools. Values entered for the previous year appear for reference. Note that you are asked to report male and female participation separately. 
  • Insurance: The Affiliation Agreement with Youth Science Canada requires your Region to carry liability insurance naming Youth Science Canada as co-insured. For 2024, this is only required if your fair will be physical or if venues used for regional meetings, activities or events require a Certificate of Insurance. This insurance must cover commercial general liability, bodily injury liability, and property liability to a limit of $5,000,000 per occurrence with an aggregate limit of $5,000,000 each policy year. Affiliating Regions have three ways to comply with the insurance requirement: 
    • If your regional fair is virtual (i.e., no students or regional committee members/volunteers will gather in a physical location that requires a Certificate of Insurance), there is no need for liability insurance. 
    • Purchase an extension of the Youth Science Canada policy for $550. A Certificate of Insurance will be issued to the Region and made available for download as a PDF from the online system. The Youth Science Canada policy provides double the minimum required insurance and extends to cover the Region's committee and other volunteers as follows: 
      • Commercial general liability 
        • Bodily injury and property damage liability - $5,000,000 
        • General aggregate limit - $5,000,000 
        • Products and completed operations aggregate limit - $5,000,000 
        • Personal and advertising injury limit - $5,000,000 
        • Medical expense - per person - $10,000 
        • Tenant's legal liability - $1,000,000 ($1,000 deductible) 
        • Standard non-owned automobile - $1,000,000 
        • Legal liability for damage to hired automobiles - $50,000 ($1,000 deductible) 
        • Employee benefits (Errors & Omissions) - each claim - $1,000,000 ($1,000 deductible) 
        • Employee benefits (Errors & Omissions) - aggregate - $1,000,000 
      • Most regions find that obtaining coverage under the Youth Science Canada policy saves the time and hassle of obtaining insurance or adding a co-insured to an existing policy. Regions may be able to obtain the required coverage on their own at lower cost.
    • If a Region elects to obtain its own insurance, a Certificate of Insurance must be submitted to Youth Science Canada verifying that the minimum coverage is in place for the Region's 2024 Fair(s) naming Youth Science Canada as co-insured. This option is only valid if the Certificate is received on or before February 28, 2024.
      • Note: If this option is selected, but no Certificate is received by February 28, a Certificate of Insurance will be issued to the Region and a fee of $550 will be added to the total for Cheque 2, due April 23, 2024. 
  1. The "Main Fair Location" section under Fair Information requires you to enter as many locations as you require. Each location will be included in your Youth Science Canada insurance coverage if your region uses this option, so be sure to enter every location accurately and completely. 
  • Participation: Enter the number of finalists your region plans to send to CWSF 2024. The choices are limited by your region’s allocations, displayed in the “Regional Fair Information” section. Next, select the number of adult delegates you plan to send. Note: You cannot select the number of adults until you have entered the number of finalists. The non-refundable deposit of $150 per participant will appear on your region’s first invoice. 
  1. After the first invoice has been issued, this section becomes read-only. To change your region’s CWSF participation, please contact Youth Science Canada ( 
3.0 Regional Awards 
  1. Awards Opt-In: Choose awards provided by YSC sponsors to offer at your regional fair. Click "Expand all” or the arrow to display the details of each award. Additional instructions will be provided to regions that select each award; however, please note the judging criteria carefully to ensure that the awards go to eligible students and projects. The $100 for the cash award(s) and $100 regional support will be applied as a credit to your region’s YSC account. 
  2. Awards Winners: This section must be completed within 7 days after your regional fair. YSC uses this information for traditional and social media related to the awards and provides this information to the sponsor. 
4.0 Registration 
  1. This section is completed after your regional fair to register CWSF projects, finalists and delegates, and to submit required forms. 

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