Regional Network Community Website
The Regional Network community website is a hub designed specifically for STEM fair organizers across Canada. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting your journey, this community is built to empower you with the tools, resources, and connections you need to make every regional STEM fair an extraordinary experience for Canada’s budding scientists.
Here’s what’s waiting for you:
- Discussions & Networking: Connect with committee members from across the country. Share experiences, exchange ideas, and learn from each other.
- Knowledge Sharing: Explore resources like event planning guides, judging processes, and more—everything you need to elevate your fair.
- Capacity Building: Access interviews, webinars, and workshops to help you grow your skills and confidence.
- Connection & Support: Find a supportive space for brainstorming, advice, and inspiration.
Who it's for:
Any and all committee members of a Canadian regional STEM fair
How do I get access:
Most regional coordinators should already have access, using their YSC Portal login details. If you receive an error message when trying to login, please reach out to
Stuart McKelvie, and he'll get you set up with an account. Community members can also use the Invite a Member form which is accessible within the community site.
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