What awards and prizes are at the CWSF?

What awards and prizes are at the CWSF?

As a finalist for Canada-Wide Science Fair, you will compete for a range of awards and prizes that recognize your hard work, creativity, and scientific expertise. Here are some examples of the awards and prizes that are available:
  1. Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals (Excellence Awards): Excellence Awards recognize STEM excellence and are awarded to the top projects in each grade category (Junior, Intermediate, and Senior). 
  2. Special awards: These are awarded by industry, academic institutions, and other organizations that recognize specific areas of achievement or potential. 
  3. Challenge awards: The Challenge Awards recognize the top project in each of the nine Youth Science Canada Challenges in each grade category.
  4. Sanofi Biogenius Canada Awards: The Sanofi Biogenius Canada Competition, hosted in partnership with YSC, celebrates the best research projects from across the country with a focus on health sciences, life sciences and biotechnology. These awards are given to outstanding projects by students related to biotechnology in each of the grade categories.
  5. Youth Can Innovate Awards: For each grade category, exceptionally innovative and original STEM projects that demonstrate a practical application in advancing the economic, medical, social, or environmental well-being of society are awarded a Youth Can Innovate award.
  6. Platinum Awards: The top project in each of Discovery and Innovation, for each of the grade categories, receive a Platinum Award. 
  7. Best Project Awards: Given to the best project in each of Discovery and Innovation, these awards represent the highest level of achievement at the CWSF.
  8. Scholarships: These are awarded by universities to various groups of medalists.  The scholarships can help you pursue your education and career goals and are a testament to your dedication and passion.
  9. International Opportunities: Top CWSF projects may be invited to represent Canada at international STEM project competitions and events, such as the European Union Contest for Young Scientists (EUCYS). These opportunities can be life-changing and help you build skills, networks, and knowledge.

The Canada-Wide Science Fair is a highly competitive event where students from across the country showcase their projects and compete for awards. It’s important to remember that while winning an award is a tremendous accomplishment, being selected as a finalist for CWSF is a significant achievement on its own. Your hard work, dedication, and passion have earned you a place among the top STEM students in Canada, and that is something to be incredibly proud of.

It’s also important to remember that STEM is not about winning awards. The process of researching, designing, and executing a STEM project is a journey of discovery and growth. It helps to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills that will serve you well in whatever path you choose to pursue. So even if you don’t come away from the CWSF with an award or medal, know that the experience has already enriched your life and opened new opportunities for your future. Keep exploring your curiosity and pursuing your passions, and success will surely follow.

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