Frequently Asked Questions - For Regional Coordinators/Delegates

Frequently Asked Questions - For Regional Coordinators/Delegates


  1. Who do we contact for problems with registration and/or ProjectBoard?
    1. For specific ProjectBoard issues (troubling creating their projects, issues with images etc.), please contact ProjectBoard directly. For issues with the YSC Portal and registration, please submit a ticket using the YSC Help Centre.


  1. How do we ask for extra space for an oversized project display?
    1. Requests for oversized project space can only be granted for innovations. Requests must be submitted by Regional Coordinators, on behalf of the finalist, to the CWSF Fair Director using the Oversized Projects Request Form.
  2. Are students required to create a project report or upload a logbook still?
    1. We don’t ask for finalists to create a project report or upload their logbooks any more. They’re expected to bring their logbook to the CWSF. Judges or finalists may refer to them during the interviews.
  3. Is there a CWSF document that states when all things are to be completed? Such as registration, project board, etc..
    1. These dates will be included in the Finalist Guide. These dates are also communicated to regions via email, webinars and as an announcement on the Regional Network site.

YSC Portal

  1. What is the difference between CWSF submitted and CWSF promoted?
    1. CWSF Promoted is the status assigned when a project is either promoted or added to the CWSF by a regional coordinator. That status changes to CWSF Submitted when the finalist(s) complete their registration.
  2. Are the Event Project numbers assigned after registration is finalized?
    1. The portal automatically assigns project ID numbers. Regional coordinators can assign Event Project Identification Numbers for events (regional STEM fairs) they run using the portal for registration. YSC assigns CWSF project numbers after registration closes.
  3. Finalists have not received their finalist email after being registered and promoted. Am I missing something?
    1. After promoting or adding finalists, you need to send the appropriate notifications to your finalists. They are not sent automatically. Refer to the help article at Notify Finalists After Adding/Promoting to CWSF
  4. We have all of our participants added into the CWSF registration, but I can’t seem to access them in the Roommate Manager. Are we able to put them in rooms through the Roommate manager?
    1. Before you can add people to the group (s), you need to create a Roommate Group and select the type (finalist/delegate) and gender.


  1. What is the best/easiest way for me as a delegate to view all of my finalists' projects in ProjectBoard during the creation phase?
    1. The best way is to create an account on ProjectBoard, then ask your finalists to add you to their project as a Viewer or Contributor (but not a Co-Owner). You can create a ProjectBoard account (if you don't already have one) at Home | ProjectBoard: YSC - Click Log in at the top, then click the Sign Up button. 

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